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Quanta Magazine On How Art of Problem Solving Unveils Math’s Beauty

Math is beautiful. But most students won’t get to see that beauty until it's too late. Quanta interviewed AoPS Founder Richard Rusczyk on how Art of Problem Solving teaches math as a creative discipline, and why the accumulation of knowledge isn't the end goal of learning – rather, it's about being playful, open, and willing to try new things.

Beast Academy Moves Mankato Students Up an Additional 1-2 Grade Levels on National MAP Assessment Scores

Students who used Beast Academy gained 1-2 additional grade levels on their spring 2021 National MAP Assessment Scores, as compared to those who didn’t use Beast Academy, according to a recent WestEd study in Mankato Area Public Schools, a K–12 school district in Mankato, Minnesota.

Farther in Space, Further in Time: What the James Webb Space Telescope Will Show Us

The James Webb Space Telescope, named after NASA’s second administrator and nicknamed “Webb,” or “JWST”, blasted off into space on December 25th, 2021 with a perfect launch. Physics Curriculum Developer Bryn Bishop explains what we can expect to learn throughout Webb's journey, and what we'll learn after it reaches its final destination.